Recovered More Than 50 Million Dollars in Settlements and Verdicts

Miami Fatal Car Accident Attorney

Helping surviving family members of loved ones who lost their life in a car accident in Florida, including Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Plantation, the Palm Beaches and the Florida Keys, Florida.

Florida Fatal Car Accident Attorney

Thousands of drivers and passengers are killed in car accidents throughout Florida every year, and over the past 25 years, Florida fatal car accident lawyer Joseph Lipsky has helped many families with the unexpected and life altering difficulties these unfortunate events cause. According to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an average of 3,000 people die in car accidents in our state annually, many leaving families who will be faced with financial and emotional struggles for years to come. Florida law allows families who have lost a loved one in a car accident to seek compensation through legal action.

Considering the dangerousness of our roadways, including I-95, Krome Avenue, US 27, the Florida Turnpike, the Overseas Highway and Alligator Alley, upon which motorists and truck drivers routinely exceed the posted and safe speed limits, use their cell phones and are otherwise reckless, the number of fatal car accidents will only continue to rise.

Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Family members who have suffered loss following a car accident may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit to seek damages including:

  • End of life and funeral expenses
  • Projected future income and financial contributions
  • Loss of 401(k), retirement benefits, and insurance
  • Loss of companionship
  • Emotional duress

While compensation for these damages cannot even come close to replacing your loved one, they can help ease financial stress and provide a secure future for spouses, children, and others who depended on the deceased for support.

We are Here to Help

Miami wrongful death attorney Joseph Lipsky is himself a survivor of a serious car accident. While no lives were lost that day, it was an experience that firmed Attorney Lipsky’s dedication to helping victims of other people’s negligence get justice.

Joseph Lipsky has 25 years of experience helping victims of deadly car accident with deep compassion for every client he takes. Working with surviving family personally, he helps protect them from unfair insurance offers while fighting tooth and nail for the justice you deserve. Because our office helps surviving family members on a contingency fee basis; no client will have to pay our office anything for attorney’s fees or case costs unless we get them financial compensation. Over the past 25 years we have had the privilege of helping dozens of survivors of deadly Florida car accidents recover tens of millions of dollars for their loss.

If you lost a family member in a car accident because of someone else’s fault, we ask you to contact us ONLINE OR CALL us at:

Toll Free at (888) FLA-LAW8
(954) 693-0073 (Broward)
(305) 821-7333 (Miami-Dade)
(561) 514-3535 (Palm Beaches) or
(305) 296-6300 (Florida Keys)

to schedule your FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION. The call and personal injury consultation are FREE, so do not delay in calling to find out about your legal rights. We are here to help

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Contact Us

  1. 1 Free Initial Consultation
  2. 2 Experienced & Aggressive Representation
  3. 3 Over $50 Million Recovered for Victims
Complete the contact form or call us at 1-888-352-5298 to schedule your free initial consultation.