Personal Injury and Medical
Malpractice Victims
It can happen on your commute to work, while you drive the kids to school, when you are picking up groceries, or while you simply turn onto your home street within sight of your house. A car accident is both expected and unexpected at the same time. We know the chance of being involved in a wreck is high, but virtually every time we get in the car we turn to a form of denial, believing deep down that it will not happen to us. Because the average American drives 13,476 miles per year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the numbers are simply not in our advantage. The fact is that the average person will be involved in multiple traffic accidents throughout his or her lifetime. Some will be minor, and unfortunately there is a chance that one or more will result in serious injury.
Crashes happen every day in every county within Florida. What we know about Palm Beach County can shed light on how frequent crashes happen and what our chances are of being involved in a traumatic accident.
That means that approximately 16 Palm Beach county residents out of 1,400 are injured in traffic collisions each year. Percentage-wise, we have over a 1% chance of being injured in a car wreck each year. Now that it has been established that serious injury crashes happen all the time, what does that mean for you and the importance of working with an experienced attorney? Because car wrecks often result in tens of thousands of dollars in property damage and much more in terms of medical damage, insurance companies have virtually unlimited funds and resources at their disposal for fighting claims and personal injury lawsuits. Those who do not work with an attorney tend to get trampled by these large insurance providers. Working with an attorney is crucial after an accident, and it is the only way that you will be awarded what you are actually owed. Do not accept an insurance company’s initial offer. Contact an attorney to find out what you can receive for your injuries and other damages.
If you were injured in a West Palm Beach traffic collision, call the Law Offices of Joseph I. Lipsky today at 561-514-3535 for your free personal injury consultation.